TRIMA Solutions

A unique model of psychometric questionnaires formulated along three dimensions: social styles, competencies, and leadership.

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Who are you?


Products and services tailored to professionals in human resources, organizational development, career counselling, CRHA, coaching, education, etc.

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A tailored approach for assessing competencies, changing careers, discovering yourself, optimizing your team, or resolving an organizational conflict.

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Certified Consultant

Become TRIMA certified, participate in community activities and training sessions, connect with a network of certified consultants.

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Simplified TRIMA Model

The TRIMA model is a competency-based approach which comprehensively integrates three dimensions of human behaviour:

  • Social Styles
  • Competencies
  • Leadership Style

Through the hundreds of questions, choice combinations, and interpretation by a TRIMA consultant, our model can identify the major characteristics of your personality:

  • Tradition
  • Reflection
  • Imagination
  • Mediation
  • Action

TRIMA Products

TRIMA Solutions offers individuals, professionals, and certified consultants a number of integrated psychometric questionnaires designed to identify a person’s social styles, competency clusters, and leadership style.


The four TRIMA psychometric questionnaires are measurement tools that provide feedback on an individual’s temperament (Social Styles), resources (Competencies), and intention to act (Leadership).

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The information provided by the Team Sociograms makes it possible to assess the factors that contribute to team development, namely communications, motivation, values, credibility, trust, recognition, mutual assistance, conflict management, participation, and decision making.

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The aim of the Feedback 360 tool is to facilitate soft skill learning and development from within the corporate organization. It differs from the three reference questionnaires in its hands-on approach: The assessment is carried out by the individuals themselves and by those around them, effectively providing 360-degree feedback.

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Training Sessions Calendar

July 2024
Type of seminar

Jul. 2024
1 hour
Valérie Bouillaut, animatrice
12:00 to 13:00
Prix: Gratuit $
Atelier TRIMAlab Pour soumettre un cas, consultez les détails au bas de cette page.

Pour participer vous n'avez qu'à vous incrire. Le lien Zoom vous sera envoyé le jour précédent l’atelier.
* For certified consultants only.

Aug. 2024
1 hour
Valérie Bouillaut, animatrice
12:00 to 13:00
Prix: Gratuit $
Atelier TRIMAlab Pour soumettre un cas, consultez les détails au bas de cette page.

Pour participer vous n'avez qu'à vous incrire. Le lien Zoom vous sera envoyé le jour précédent l’atelier.
* For certified consultants only.

Aug. 2024
12 hours
Pascale Gravel-R.
Ville: Virtuel
9h to 10h30
Prix: 795 $
Sociogrammes d'équipe TRIMA Les 12 heures de formation sont : 3 ateliers de 1h30 chacune (4h30) + 1 atelier pour l'intégration de 2h00 Vidéos à visionner et écouter (4h30) Épreuve de synthèse à remettre (4h00) Session 1 Mercredi  14 août de 9h à 10h30 Session 2 Mercredi 21 août de 9h à 10h30 Session 3 Mercredi 28 août de 9h à 10h30 Session 4 Mercredi 4 septembre de 9 à 11h00 (Heure du Québec)  

* For certified consultants only.

 Download the complete training schedule in iCalendar format


March 22 2022

The TRIMA family is growing!

We are very pleased to announce the addition of three new passionate members to the Solutions TRIMA team : 

Julie Roy Ing, MBA - Projects and Interventions Manager; Amy Preston-Therrien - Innovation and Coaching Agent and Liliane Hamel, Ph.D, CPHR - Certifier and Training Manager.

Welcome !

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October 06 2014


TRIMA certified counsellors now have a new tool available to assist them with identifying their clients' personal strengths and challenges: TRIMA-360.  Designed as a learning aide for individuals and whole organizations, TRIMA-360 is a very effective assessment tool and method, for it increases program participant  self-awareness through how others view them.

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